Saturday, April 9, 2016

Easter Egg Decorating

This Easter we were lucky enough to have both my parents and my brother and his family in town for the weekend. So for that reason we held off on our Egg Decorating traditions until they got in town. Turns out my nephew was none too impressed with this activity, that or he was just more impressed with the toy room upstairs!  The adults, however,  had their fair share of fun.  Always a competition with these people.  Anyway, we ended up with some BEAUTIFUL eggs and some colorful fingers.  The perfect start to my favorite holiday!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy Anniversary?

Well this year for our anniversary we decided to go on a hike with the kids and the Barbagallos.  I know I know, hopeless romantics in this house!  In case you are worried we also went out to a wonderful dinner that night, but of course I have no pictures to document that so you are stuck with us in grungy clothes and kids skipping rocks.  I assure you that you are getting the better end of this deal. We had a great little hike with minimal "my legs are tired" moments, so we are calling this a win.  The boys are really starting to appreciate the little "adventures' in life and I hope to have many many more days like this in the future.

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