Monday, October 19, 2020

All the Baseball...All the time

If you would have told me at the beginning of Nolan's baseball season we would get in as many games as we did, I would have called you a big fat liar!  But we ended up playing quite a bit and that makes for a happy Nolan...and a happy Mom!  I love watching these boys play, especially when they started to really get in their groove this year.  They may not have won every tournament, but gosh they won quite a few and got to the championship game in the majority.  To say we are proud of Nolan and his teammates is an understatement.  They love the game, they have fun together and they are great boys to boot.  Baseball season has now come to an end and I'm not happy about it, but looking so forward to next year and all the great things ahead for this crew.  Here is a photo dump of a few tournaments this fall and some of their successes!

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