Saturday, September 19, 2020

Lake Shenanigans

Oh the annual Friends Lake Trip.  Have to prep the liver all year for this one.  It was full of the typical shenanigans, lots of fishing, boating, swimming and dancing.  This is basically just a photo dump in no particular order because I didn't really take many pictures so I stole most of these from our shared album.  But there are some goodies in here that I didn't want to forget.  For example: back farts from drunk Curtis and Mike, lily pad wars between the boys and girls (pretty sure the girls won), the TERRIBLE Superman puzzle that was almost the death of this crew for more reasons than one, but most importantly the fun the kids had while tubing/swimming/fishing together.  These kids don't see each other as often as they once did but gosh they still have so much fun we we manage to get together...and the parents are alright too!  Here's to yet another successful trip, can't wait until next year!


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