Saturday, May 16, 2020


The night had finally come...Halloween!  I love Halloween, I don't know why really but I do.  I guess it's the costumes, I'm a sucker for kids in costumes (honestly any day of the year not just Halloween).  This year Chad and I were gone for Trunk or Treat so this is the only time I got to see the kids in their costumes which stinks.  I like to get multiple viewings each year!  But we got some pictures to prove just how cute they were.  We had Nolan Arenado (Colorado Rockies player), A black ninja guy (key seller for this costume was he didn't have to smile for the camera) and then Little Red Riding Hood.  I mean they are the cutest aren't they?  Everly hung out with Chad and I for the evening, she ventured out to a few houses and then enjoyed passing out candy at home.  The boys got a little bit of freedom this year and we gave them some boundaries with a group of kids to go down the street by themselves.  We are really growing up in this house! 

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