Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What if you fly...

"What if I fall?"
 "Oh, but my darling,
What if you fly?"
I mean, is that not the best quote?  I immediately thought of that quote when I picked out this little dress for Everly (which I have had waiting for quite some time now).  I have a weakness for hot air balloons, always have.  Maybe it is because Chad took me on a hot air balloon ride the day he proposed?  That would be a good story so we will go with that!  Anyway, I guess I will call these her 2 year pictures even though she isn't quite 2 in them yet but something tells me there will not be any formal pictures taken before she turns 2 so we will go with these!!  She sure makes us smile.

And because sometimes emotion just comes out better in black and white...


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