Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Snow Day

We got a little bit of an early snow this year, so we of course took our opportunity to get all bundled up and enjoy!  I'm always good for one solid snow day, and then I'm ready for summer!  But this was the first snow for Little Miss so I was excited to see what she thought of it.  Turns out...she loves it.  She loves to sit in it, play with it, eat it and sled on it.  She didn't mind getting cold or even when the snow went down her sleeves.  The only thing she didn't like was when we got tot he bottom of the hill, she would scream until we got back up the hill to go again!  Big brothers were busy "snowboarding" and by that I mean standing on any sort of mechanism that would get them down the hill.  I will say, they were pretty successful though!  Snow Day was a hit for everyone, even Mom.

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