Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Buggy Baby

I'd love to tell you the story behind this buggy, but I'm not sure anyone really knows the story.  It came from my Grandma's basement.  But I don't know if it was actually used for my Mom when she was a baby, or if my Mom used it for her baby dolls, or if my Grandma picked it up at an auction (which she frequented often).  Nonetheless, it's precious and it meant enough to my Grandma to keep it around for years so that warranted a photo session with her only Great Granddaughter that she unfortunately never got to meet.  And I cannot lie, one of the pictures is my absolute favorite picture of Everly to date.  So everybody wins in this scenario!  Thank you Grandma Snyder for finding beauty in so many things...and holding on to those things!

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