Monday, June 25, 2018

City Museum

My brother and his family came in town to meet Everly so we decided to take them to our favorite attraction...the City Museum.  This place is sooooo much fun, but soooo much work keeping up with all of the kids.  Luckily I was really only responsible for the one in the stroller who slept the whole time, #winning.  You'll note I didn't get that many pictures, I guess I just really wasn't on my game on this particular day.  I should steal some of my brother's because I know he got some amazing shots but on this particular day I'm lazy and I'm just ready to get some blogs posted so that I'm not a year behind!  So here is our day at the City Museum, next time I'll take more pictures I swear but just know we had a great time and can't wait to go back!

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