Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Baseball Baseball Baseball

In between our little "baby mooning" trips we had a LOT of baseball.  We had tournaments, practices, league games...and more tournaments.  It might sound like I'm complaining, and I assure you I am not, I'm just saying if you didn't see us this summer it's because we were at the baseball fields!  Nolan is on a great little team, we love the boys and the families and we love watching the boys get better and better.  The coach at this point still has the boys rotating positions quite a bit to see what sticks, but it looks like Nolan is settling in to First Base and Third Base and has his eyes set on pitching in the Fall.  We are so proud of him and all of the effort he puts in and most importantly how well he takes the advice of the coaches (note I didn't say the advice of his Dad).  Looking forward to many more seasons of baseball, and I think little brother is interested now as well.  So you'll really have to meet us at the fields in order to see our faces ever again!


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