Saturday, July 8, 2017

Goodbye Cooper

Well, the inevitable happened.  Our time with our faithful companion came to a close.  Chad and I got Cooper for our first wedding anniversary, surely year one is dog right?  He had been by our side for 2 (and a half) kids, 2 houses and so many other milestones.  He was an amazing dog, great with the kids and just wanted your love and attention.  He was a bit of an escape artist so we did find ourselves roaming the neighborhood on numerous occasions looking for him but in true Cooper fashion he was faithful and always went to the same spots to visit his friends.  Though I'm not ready to get another dog (maybe ever) I will say the void he has left is a big one and I miss him dearly.

Here are a few of his "last" pictures.  We found out he had cancer and once diagnosed he went downhill pretty quickly but we managed to get a few more pictures in for the memory book.

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