Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Cookie Design 101

Well what would Christmas be without a little cookie decorating fun.  Of course these are MY BROTHER'S favorite cookie, so my Mom makes plenty FOR HIM and makes us all decorate them.  Okay okay, it's kind of fun but I still have to give my Mom trouble for it.  It's kind of like a tradition at this point. Anyway, Bennett was totally into it this year and Nolan decorated enough to eat one or two and move on.  My Mom, Sharon and I were the last at the table to try and have a little contest of who could decorate the best cookie.  If my memory serves me correctly, I won.  And if it doesn't serve me correctly, it's my blog and I can write whatever I want.  I do make a mean mitten and Christmas Tree if I do say so myself.  Also, if you're wondering Bennett really likes icing and sprinkles.

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