Sunday, August 21, 2016

4th of July

This year for 4th of July we totally took advantage of the long weekend and headed down to Alabama to celebrate.  Chad's Aunt and Uncle live on a lake down there and they have every toy you can think of: a lily pad, a wave runner, 3 boats and to top it off a big ole' pier and cliff to jump off of.  I mean seriously?  And I'll tell you what we took advantage of ALL OFF IT.  These kids (and adults) did not stop.  I'll spare you my words of wisdom on this post (mainly because I'm just too tired) because I think the pictures speak for themselves.  A BIG thank you to the Alabama Auchly's for the hospitality.  Hopefully we didn't outstay our welcome because I hard rumblings of a "4th of July Tradition"...SURPRISE!

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