Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Waiting on Anderson

Well, since this little guy decided to make his way into the world (early) this past weekend I thought it was high time I post some pictures of this family of 3 as they anxiously awaited the newest member of their family.  At the time he did not have a name, but by waiting a few weeks I get to share that news too!  It's a good thing i'm a procrastinator!  Big Sister Emersyn was SUCH a trooper on this particular day.  It turned out to be a wee bit chiller than we had expected but you would have never known with this one.  Between that big grin and her little giggles she had me melting from the minute she got out of the car.  Hopefully her brother is just as cooperative ;)!

Welcome Anderson, love the your family.  You are one lucky boy!

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