Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Great Pumpkin Carving of 2015

What would Halloween be without some magnificent pumpkins on the front porch to show off Chad's the boy's amazing skills.  If by amazing skills I meant the ability to pick out their own templates this year, they ROCKED it.  Nolan picked a dragon (use your imagination because I forgot to take a picture) and Bennett picked a Power Ranger Pirate Mask (you still might need to use your imagination even though there is a picture).  Bennett thought it was pretty amazing though, he even laid down in front of it to admire it for a bit.  The boys still think the pumpkin guts are totally disgusting and it took a while for either of them to dive in.  Eventually they helped a little though so I was pretty proud.  I even dug in a little this year, a first for me I think, but not with the scooping of the guts.  I waited until it was time to do the carving and I put the little dots in the pumpkin for chad to then carve around.  Teamwork in this house I tell you what!

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