Friday, September 4, 2015

Weekend in Kansas City

We had a random weekend open this summer, as did my brother and his family, so we decided to go see the rents in Kansas City.  We didn't have any grandiose plans but we managed to fill the weekend up with lots of fun things for the kids and adults alike.  The boys played a round of golf while the girls tried to keep the little boys occupied with water guns and then we attempted to go to a festival (for like a hot second because it was miserably hot).  Once we ditched the festival we hit up the local "white cheese" restaurant per the request of a certain 3 year old (and his Grandpa).  I'm not complaining though they had one killer Margarita!  The next day the boys convinced Grandpa that he needed to put the huge water-slide up in the backyard where the boys proceeded to slide and splash for most of the morning.    Another fun weekend in Kansas City for this crew and we even managed to teach cousin Cy how to make farting noises with his hands.  All in a weekend's work for this crew!


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