Monday, August 24, 2015

Lions and Tigers and Peacocks Oh My!

Alright, perhaps we didn't see lions or tigers but I'm pretty sure we did in fact see a peacock (maybe). Quinn was turning two and decided to celebrate at Big Joel's Safari, or at least her mom decided to celebrate at Big Joel's Safari and I'm sure glad she did.  I had never been here before and had been wanting to check it out and this gave me the perfect excuse.  It's a fun little place with a bunch of random animals to feed/pet/get slobbered on know pure bliss for the kiddos.  It was a gorgeous day and the kids (and Matt) had a blast.  Thanks for turning 2 Quinn, can't wait to see what next year's adventure brings us!

 Big Joel's Safari was really inspiring me on this particular afternoon, so I decided to take a few pictures of the animals as well.  You know for my next new business adventure where I sell random pictures of goofy looking animals with creepy smirks on their faces.  I'll let you know when it goes up for sale, because I KNOW you're all wondering :)

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