Friday, July 3, 2015

Calling All Superheroes

My friend Jessie discovered that our local Baseball team was having a Superhero/Princess night at the ballpark.  As it turns out we have a lot of little superhero lovers and we are gaining in the princess department these days too, so of course we decided to partake.  I will say not everyone at the stadium was as "in character" as our kids, but hey when in Rome right?  And we all know little kids dressed up in costumes is a total weakness of mine, so I most definitely encouraged full on costumes.  Nolan is too cool for that these days but he did humor me and wear a superhero t-shirt at least.  I'm trying to figure out when that kid turned 16 as opposed to 6!  Don't fret, Bennett pulled through with the full on costume/mask/shield and wore it all night.  His spunkiness makes me smile, and so do these pictures...


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