Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Gingerbread House Miracle

I have to start this post by giving a shout out to the person who decided to produce and sell pre-made gingerbread houses.  I mean that is straight up GENIUS right there.  I have seen my fair share of social media posts lately where parents are cursing their gingerbread houses and I have seen the awful pictures that follow.  Walls falling down, children crying, moms...drinking.  Okay maybe actually making the house wouldn't have been ALL bad. Anyway, needless to say we bought the pre-made house this year and by some miracle we managed to decorate it without breaking it, without fighting and without making a huge mess.  You know what else?  The kids loved it.  We had to break out the leftover Halloween candy because they were getting a little over zealous with the kit provided candy (mostly eating with a side of decorating).  So don't mind the sour patch zombies that have appeared on our house, I suppose we just have a "Walking Dead" gingerbread house this year.  We're trendy like that.

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