Thursday, May 22, 2014

Technology Fail

Tonight I was trying to "FaceTime" my Mom and Dad.  This is the ONLY way Bennett will talk on the phone.  He simply does not understand the concept of talking on the phone and not seeing the person on the other end.  Kids these days.  Anyway, I was having some problems with my phone and it would not connect.  Here is the conversation that went down…

Me:  It's not working buddy.  We will have to call "Maw Maw" later.
Bennett:  Lets get the ipad. (he's a problem solver that one)
Me: We can't, it needs to be charged.
Bennett:  Damn it.

What?  Surely my perfect little angel did not use a bad word and surely he did not use it in the correct context!  While I have a LITTLE bit of potty mouth "Damn it" is not really a part of my regular vocabulary.  I questioned Bennett on this choice word and he defended the culprit by saying nothing.  I'm listening people, I'm going to find out who is poisoning my sweet child.  Surely this kid could do no wrong…

1 comment:

  1. This post brings me great joy. It's about time you had a potty mouth in the family. I'd appreciate it, if you kept him away from my children, until he is under control. I wouldn't want him to negatively influence my precious angels.

    PS. When Reid used to say "DAMNGODIT," you know where I placed blame. I'd bet your culprit is related to mine.
    #itrunsinthestruckmannfamily #brothers


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