Sunday, January 19, 2014

Keeps going and going and going

Christmas around here was like the Energizer Bunny, it just kept going and going and going.  With my parents in Kansas City now and my brother and his family in Springfield we decided to have a delayed Christmas this year so we could still get everyone together.  Christmas in January was the solution.  It worked out perfectly, well up until the point where we got stuck in Kansas City an extra night because of the snow/ice.  I can't say I was all that disappointed though, and I know my Mom wasn't!

So this brings us to "Christmas Morning".  Oh the ipad, what did people do without this wonderful gadget back in the day?  Kids love it and it gives parents those extra few minutes to accomplish tasks that otherwise would never be completed (like showering).  Nolan spent some quality time with the younger boys teaching Cy the ropes of this wonderful gadget.

Time for presents.  We of course started with stockings, that are actually "Santa Bags" in this family.  You'll see the bags are as big as Bennett and they were full to the brim.  Crazy…yes, Fun…absolutely. I mean what would we do without our yearly Rain Poncho? 

What would a holiday celebration be without some cookies to decorate?  It seems that Bennett here was the only kid with an extended attention span to dedicate to this activity.  Shocking right?  Nolan participated just long enough to make himself a cookie or two to eat, but Bennett he was in for the long haul.  His method was to cover the ENTIRE cookie with goodness.  He especially liked the coconut (he called it cheese) and he used a ton of it, which is totally disgusting quite frankly.  Nothing ruins a cookie like coconut shavings.

 Then it was on to making my Mom's dreams come true.  Grandma's have a thing with dressing all their Grandkids alike and taking their picture together.  I've seen it a lot, I anticipated this moment.  As you'll see we never got the "perfect" picture, but we did get a few pictures of our crazy bunch that tell a story.  A story of three goofy boys…that hate my camera :)  Merry Christmas Mom, I hope these make all your dreams come true...

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