Monday, November 18, 2013

Hoe Down 2013

We couldn't let an October pass and not have a little celebration at the farm, it just wouldn't be right.  In years past I can't lie I thought this event was more for me…less for the kids.  We would let the kids come for the day but send them home for the evening for quality time with my parents (see how I made it seem like a benefit for them?)  Well this year with the rents in KC that plan was simply not an option. So this year the Hoe Down was less beer pong and more kid chasing.  As it turns out I'm not the only one that switched my focus this year, so at least I went down with friends/family.  So with my selfishness in check I embraced the kid friendly event and you know what?  It wasn't half bad.  The kids had a BLAST and I managed to have some fun myself too.  Turns out I'm really growing up, who knew?

The snow cone machine made another appearance at this event.  I caught Julia trying to give poor Violet plain ice again…I promptly put a stop to that nonsense.

The kids did their own face painting for this event.  Not quite the professional look that we had at Nolan's birthday party, but not too shabby for amateurs.  At least Nolan coordinated with his outfit?

Three amigos causing trouble in the shed.  Here was their nice look...

Here is their tough look…(I think Reid missed the memo)

The big boys were playing guns/swords.  The little guys were occupied with rocks and tin cans.  Reminds me, I might need to get Bennett some updated shots.

Moving on to the evening events, the campfire. These kids were mesmerized by the fire, you know for as long as two year olds can be mesmerized by one activity.

What's a party without an attempt at a family pic?  As you can see Bennett was not on board for this activity, shocker.  Right after this picture was taken I do believe he threw a little tantrum and threw himself on the ground.  We responded by taking him on a hayride…aka: putting him to sleep.


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