Friday, September 6, 2013

Big B's Big Party

Mr. B turned two so of course that meant we needed a celebration.  With his birthday being in the middle of August I get nervous about outside activities, so I opted for an inside location again this year.  And seeing as though we have adopted Myseum as our new favorite spot this summer we thought it was the perfect location to help us celebrate.  I can't lie, I think we were right.  This birthday boy was SO EXCITED!  Every time I turned around all I saw was a flash of Bennett running by with a huge smile and a squeal to follow.  He was a happy camper, as were his little tiny guests, so this Mom was a happy camper too.  Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate!

When everyone started singing to the Birthday Boy he was not so sure…

But no worries, he quickly caught on and thought blowing out the candles was an okay thing to do...

After pizza and cake it was time to play!  Sometimes I couldn't decide who was having more fun, the kids…or the Dads?

Can you hear the squeal?

Happy Birthday Mr. B, I hope your party was everything you imagined it would be and more!

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