Monday, March 4, 2013


I have a confession.  I have a new obsession.  I want to say it's only a small obsession and I think it's only a phase that I will soon get over…hopefully.  It's something that all the kids are doing these days, but quite honestly I'm a little late to the party so most kids are probably over it by now.  It's a little thing called Instagram.  Instagram is basically Facebook but it is only pictures and only pictures taken with your phone.  For a girl that constantly has a huge camera attached to her hip, the idea of taking all of my pictures with my phone 1. scares me and 2. excites me.  It's kind of fun, and I gave it a whirl all weekend to get my picture taking fix.  So here I am to share my Instagram documentation of our weekend.  I don't know that I'm ready to throw in the towel with my DSLR just yet, but I can't lie taking pictures with my phone is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more convenient so I might substitute with it every now and then so bare with me and my not so perfect pictures!

Friday we had my nephew Reid over to play and spend the night...

Saturday we had a little adult fun to celebrate our anniversary.  
Year 8 the gift apparently is…Shots?

And we rounded out the weekend on Sunday with a little family fun at Kokomo Joe's.  

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