Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas Part 2

Christmas Part 2 brings us to, drum roll please...Christmas morning with just our little family.  Christmas morning was pretty darn spectacular this year I can not lie.  Nolan was SUPER DUPER pumped and Bennett was right there with him tearing the paper off those presents like a pro.  Santa brought all kinds of fun goodies and I think we had two very happy little boys.  #blessed

Here is our vicious "guard dog" keeping watch over all of the presents...

Yes, we had to wake this sleepy little boy.  Can you tell?

Nothing a little cookie for breakfast can't cure right?  Don't judge.  Santa didn't finish it…it was fair game in Bennett's eyes.

On to the presents.  

And yep, in case you haven't noticed from the 1 million pictures above I did in fact dress the boys in matching PJs.  This is something I said I would never do.  I'm very much a fan of coordinated outfits instead of actual matching, however seeing these two in their matching PJs made my heart melt.  I got a suggestion from a "friend" to have Chad wear matching PJs with the boys next year.  I'm considering this suggestion a challenge, and I'll see what I can do.  
But seriously…could they be any cuter?

1 comment:

  1. Super cute pics. My boys WANT to wear matching clothes. Reid was mad I didn't get him a tie like Wyatt's.


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