Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Invasion of Spiderman

The other night we decided to go down to Octoberfest.  It's a cute little festival really.  A few bouncy houses, a few beer stands, a few food stands with your choice of fried oreos, fried twinkies, fried corndogs…basically as long as it's fried you're money.  Anyway, it was fairly non-eventful UNTIL the boys all "won" blow-up Spiderman dolls.  I use the term "won" VERY loosely here because it was a game where you pick three rubber ducks out of a swimming pool pond and magically everyone is a winner!  My kind of game really.  We ended up with three very happy little boys, until one of the them popped.  But we won't talk about that.

Here are the happy boys.  They proceeded to bounce their Spiderman Dolls all the way down the railroad tracks and up to the restaurant for dinner.  Ahhh, precious boys.  Precious precious boys.


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