Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Well if you didn't notice "Skipping Rocks" has been on vacation.  We took a little trip with Chad's family to the Lake and it was pretty spectacular.  I think Nolan will more than likely sleep for the next 3 weeks straight out of sheer tiredness (enter smiley face here).  Anyway, first day of vacation and here is the start of the Nolan stories…

Me:  Nolan, why don't you go to the bathroom before we get in the lake.
Nolan:  Why?
Me:  Because it's no fun to come back up to go potty after we are all wet.
Chad:  I just pee in the lake.
Nolan:  Why do you pee in the lake Dad?  Because you are a Jerk?

Whoops…maybe I use the term "jerk" too often when referring to my loving husband.  Note taken Nolan, note taken.

Note:  I had a glorious picture of my adorable nephew Reid peeing off the side of the dock into the lake for this blog post.  Don't worry I promptly put a little something over his "potty parts" as to not offend anyone.  However, Chad yelled at me and told me I couldn't put that on the blog.  Something about child pornography…he really is a jerk sometimes.

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