Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jack of All Trades

We had a little family outing at the Magic House recently.  I can not lie, I might like that place just as much if not more than Nolan.  It really is so much fun, and Nolan loves to "pretend play" so it's a perfect fit.

Our first stop was the construction zone where Nolan was quite the construction worker.  I'm pretty sure he would have spent the entire day in this exhibit if we didn't make him move on.  And what can I say, I'm a sucker for a guy in a hard hat and safety vest!

We then moved on to being a plumber.  Most kids would come over and put one pipe together throw it down and move on.  Not Nolan.  Please note the large masterpiece in the top right corner, that's right that was left courtesy of the Struckmann Family.  You are welcome Magic House, just let us know when you would like us to stop by and demonstrate again.

Next we found ourselves in the children's hospital exhibit.  Nolan was practicing here for baby brother's arrival.  He fed him, listened to his heart and then slightly suffocated him!  We might need to work on being gentle in the future.

We saw this sign hanging and it kind of made me chuckle.  Considering Nolan asks about 500 questions a day right now at 2, I can only imagine he'll blow this statistic out of the water at 4!  Yikes.

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