Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Buddies and Bomb Pops

We spent this past weekend at The Lake celebrating the 4th of July.  It was full of friends, family, food, fun, fireworks and freaking exhaustion!  We had some visitors with us this trip...Kim, Curtis and Jack.  Jack and Nolan are almost exactly a year apart, so its always fun to watch them interact.  If Nolan thinks Baby B is half as fun as he thinks Jack is…we should be good to go at the Struckmann house.  Here are some pictures from the weekend, the lake never fails us.  Always a good time.

If looks could kill.  Both of these boys are definitely looking at me like I had bird poop on my head or something, that or they are giving  me their best "deep thoughts" pose.

I think this is more like it…Apparently all I need to get smiles out of children is to hire Curtis to do a little jig in the background.

Nolan has become quite the swimmer these days, which is really fun.  He is able to kick around by himself.  Sometimes he tries to throw some arm movements in to the mix as well, but unfortunately at this point that action is counterproductive as he tends to push in the wrong direction! So for now we are focusing on "kick, kick, kick".

Now for a little of Chad's "humor".  He always thinks its super funny when I hold alcoholic beverages while growing a miracle.  Totally makes me feel like "Mom of the Year."  This particular shot though, I do have to give the guy props.  Please note the name of the bar on the cup, strategically located next to my "bump."  Classy…No, Awesome…Absolutely!  Who knew Chad was so artistic, maybe I should hand over the camera equipment more often!

And now on to the Bomb Pops I promised.  Notice Jack's face in this picture, it's like he's never had a popsicle before.  Oh that's right…he hadn't!!!!  Poor poor poor deprived Jack.  Don't worry buddy we will take care of you.  Who knows next time we might do something crazy and get like an ice cream sandwich!

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