Thursday, March 24, 2011

Random Thoughts by Nolan Struckmann Part II

I apologize, I promise my next post will contain pictures.  Winter and I don't really get along, so the camera doesn't make it out of the closet as often as it probably should.  The only thing I would have pictures of right now is Nolan playing with his "guys" and I thought I would spare you pictures of us playing with...Plastic Guy, Amazing Guy, Tie Guy (you get the picture). 

I will however share with you another random story of Nolan, cute to me maybe annoying to you!  (I think at least one person will be a fan though)

As we sat at dinner last night Nolan was a CHATTER BOX as usual.  He's a big fan of asking everyone how their dinner is.  How's your quesadilla mom? (that's right, I cooked!).  But you MUST respond and ask him how his dinner is as well.  So we went through all the polite discussions and then he started in on something that we really couldn't understand.  So we kept asking him, what are you saying buddy?  What is that?  And he looks at me, almost yells (but he's too sweet to yell) and says...I'm talking about "Pa Pa Mandy" (his aunt)!!  You see when I'm trying to distinguish between words that start with B or P or D I tend to say things like it's "Ba Ba Beautiful" or "Da Da Daring".  So apparently now he just picks whatever letter he feels like and adds it to his words to try and get us to understand!  We have so many things to learn from Mr. Nolan. 

Hope you're having a wonderful day Aunt Pa Pa hard!

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