Sunday, March 31, 2019

New Milestone: Puffs

I know, pretty exciting stuff happening around here.  We are venturing into the world of real food.  And by real food I mean tiny things that dissolve almost instantly in your mouth.  We wouldn't want to get too crazy too fast.  Everly couldn't decide at first if she liked them or not, but she did like trying to eat on her own.  So she stayed mildly entertained for quite some time. Puffs = Win.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Same Baby...Different Day

I warned you, a sitting smiling baby is my achilles heal.  I CANNOT STOP taking her picture.  I'm so used to the boys hating to get their picture taken that I think I am overcompensating with my "willing" subject.  But don't worry, she'll start moving soon and the party is all over at that point.  But until then, another post of the baby girl doing what she does best...making my heart explode.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Just Another Day

When you have a baby that just sits there and take pictures...ALL THE TIME.  This was just some random day, nothing special.  Just a girl sitting on a blanket in the grass.  Life is simple and sweet...until they move.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Let the Baseball Begin

It's that time of year again!  BASEBALL SEASON!!!!  We had to start the season with a new "banner" picture.  So without further's the 2018 Missouri Gators! Don't they look tough?

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Ninja Soccer

I hadn't taken any recent pictures of Nolan playing soccer and since we are always saying "this is your last season playing soccer" I just never knew when it would be his last game.  Well, don't worry I can tell you now this is nowhere near his last game!  We are such suckers when it comes to signing our kids up for sports.  Nolan would play everything all the time if we let him, he just loves it all so much.  One day (soon) we will be saying goodbye to soccer, but what a run it has been.  We luckily found this team many years ago and the kids and the coaches are a perfect match for Nolan (and us).  We feel beyond blessed to be Ninjas, and that's why we keep signing up (even if we'll only make 2 games this season!).  And contrary to how Everly looks in these pictures, I assure you there is nothing she loves more than cheering on her brothers...all the time.  I can't wait for the day when the boys have to repay her by sitting through hours of dance recitals!!!

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