Monday, August 27, 2018

Christmas Card 2017

It was that time of year again, time to torture my children.  I left Chad and myself out of it this year.  I figured wrangling the 3 children would be enough "fun" for this family for the year!  I also figured the kids would be dressed up for Thanksgiving so I might as well kill two birds with one stone and knock these pictures out.  It was a tad bit stressful trying to race the good lighting, but in the end we got the money shot of all three kids looking so we were Thankful indeed.

And just so you can see some reality in this post, I am including the below outtake to show you how family pictures really go.  Though it didn't make the Christmas Card, I still thought it was a keeper.
You're welcome.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Oh Christmas Tree

The time had come, it was time to decorate the Christmas Tree!  Usually Chad helps set up the actual tree and then vacates the area and "lets" the rest of us do the decorating.  He's so thoughtful.  The problem is the boys (especially Nolan) have a very short attention span for this activity.  This year they did pretty good though, and dare I say had fun looking through all of our ornaments and reminiscing. I even got them to pose with their "First Christmas" Ornaments.  Don't ask me why Bennett is in full soccer uniform gear, I would say it was some special occasion but i'm pretty sure this activity took place on Thanksgiving morning.  Next year's goals include brushing our hair and including their little sister.


Monday, August 13, 2018

In A Field Of Roses, She Is A Wildflower

If you can imagine, I was pretty excited to decorate a little girl nursery.  And yes, I did have like 6 months to do so and I still didn't have it done by the time she was born.  It's cool though, she spent the first couple of months in our room (that's my justification anyway).  

I had heard the saying "In a field of roses, she is a wildflower" somewhere awhile back and I knew right away that was what I wanted to hang over her crib.  It was my inspiration if you will.  And then one day I went shopping and found a painting and sent Chad a text that said "how would you feel about a skull picture in our daughter's room?".  I don't think he knew how to respond, but said something to the effect "whatever you want".  Well, while we are on my requests Chad I would also like a shiplap wall please :).  Poor Chad, I always have ideas that I can't actually follow through with myself.  But Chad sure can (with the help of Bennett of course).  So I got the roses signs, a nice skull picture and a shiplap wall and we were IN BUSINESS!  Everything else just fell into place.  This room sure does make me happy.  I don't know if it's necessarily the decorations, or the sweet little girl that occupies it.  Maybe a combination, but probably more so that precious little girl.  I did throw her in some pictures at the end, but don't be fooled. These were staged, she wasn't actually sleeping in her bed at this point and she doesn't (usually) sleep with bows in her hair.  But when its photo day, we spruce things up a bit!

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