This Easter was a little different than years past. We did wake up to find that we had in fact had a visit from the Big Bunny and then we did enjoy some "special eggs" (a little family tradition on special occasions involving Jesus). And kids left me for a week! It was Nolan's Spring Break and we had plans for him to go home with my Mom and Dad for a special week alone with Grandma and Grandpa, that is until little brother caught wind of this plan and inserted himself just nicely into Grandma and Grandpa's car! So anyway, our Easter celebration with the kiddos was cut short but Chad and I carried on with traditions and went over to visit his family sans kiddos. Turns out that going to family functions without your kids is pretty relaxing when you aren't constantly worried about what your child could be breaking at the home of the poor person stuck hosting said family function.
Anyway, here are the few pictures I took on Easter morning. Nothing too special, I never even put the boys in their "Easter Outfits" this year. In FACT, being the "thrifty" little shopper that I am I actually returned those suckers. I know I know, Chad was shocked too! Don't worry, I think I replaced those Easter outfits with something lovely for myself. Happy Easter to me!