Thursday, April 23, 2015

Easter Day

We only had one other stop on Easter, which was Chad's Aunt and Uncle's house.  The boys were super pumped to have yet another egg hunt to participate in.  There were eggs and kids everywhere.  Of course I'm the mean Aunt that makes everyone take a picture before we start, this task is proving to be more and more difficult as the years go on and the kids increase in numbers (we were even missing a few).  At this point we are just shooting for everyone actually in the picture.  They don't have to smile, they can pick their nose for all I care but they have to be present.  And then the hunt can begin...

You thought that's where the pictures ended didn't you?  What kind of fun holiday adventure would it be if I didn't attempt to get a picture of the boys and/or (gasp) a picture of the 4 of us.  Believe it or not, it was not even that painful this time.  Perhaps they are getting wise enough to realize if they smile once I'll leave them alone (like seriously I will).  Or maybe it was a fluke.  Either way, I'll take it.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Easter Morning

Another year, another visit by the Easter Bunny.  He left baskets full of toys and eggs full of candy, which left boys full of smiles.  Love me some Easter, Love Love Love me some Easter.  Nolan is still the caring big brother that thinks he needs to help Bennett find eggs.  He was being super sweet and pointing eggs out to Bennett and helping him reach some of the higher ones.  I think it was all fun and games until he realized in the end Bennett had more eggs than he did!  No worries, no one is deprived around here on Easter morning.  I assure you they both had enough candy to give them 10 cavities each.  I will also assure you Chad promptly threw away a whole bowl full of candy the next day.  Wah Wah.  I guess not everyone has the same passion for Easter, probably just as well considering we have a whole other bowl full of candy that the boys have barely touched.  Perhaps next year the bunny will bring something less edible and more spendable.  I bet Chad wouldn't throw that away ;)

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Coloring of the Eggs

Every year I like to make a big deal about Easter festivities, one of those festivities is obviously the coloring of the eggs.  It's one of those things I really look forward to, I really prepare for and then the process takes approximately 3 minutes to complete.  My kids go with the dunk it in the dye (fingers included) let it soak for a second and move on to the next approach.  One day perhaps we will get a little more creative, but for now this seems to do the trick.  Usually we spend Good Friday with some friends of mine from work and accomplish our egg coloring task however my super duper important work friends had some stupid training (yes I'm throwing them under the bus) so we didn't get to do our annual Good Friday Party.  Can you say losers?  I decided their lack of Easter spirit wasn't going to keep me down so a little impromptu egg dyeing party was assembled last minute with another group of friends that like to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ (with coloring Easter eggs obvi).  Apparently a lot of people planned on dyeing eggs on Friday night (we are all slackers) so we decided we might as well dye them together.  So here we are.  Lots of eggs, lots of dye, lots of kids but believe it or not just a little mess.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.  Oh, and for those important work friends don't worry they will make an appearance in a few days at our delayed Easter celebration.  They know better than to cancel Easter plans with me altogether, there would be MAJOR consequences for that.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Swim Swim Swim

Well, we finally decided to put Bennett in some sort of organized activity.  I know, call us crazy, but we thought he might enjoy it and you know what?  We were right.  He LOVES swimming lessons.  And I mean LOVES.  He talks about it all the time, he is trying to convince his friend Violet that she needs to join him and you know what the best part is?  He actually listens to the coaches!  His teachers at school have always told us that he listens in school but I always thought they were just being nice.  Turns out...he actually does listen and he does everything they say THE FIRST TIME.  I couldn't even believe my eyes!  So anyway, this is day 2 of swim lessons (on the first day I was too busy trying to figure out the logistics of everything).  The place we are taking him is absolutely amazing, so amazing the only spot open was at 8:30 on Saturday mornings!  But I'm pretty confident come pool season we are going to have a little fishy on our hands so the early morning wake up call is totally worth it!

And a little video action because I'm feeling extra crazy tonight...

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