Sunday, June 29, 2014

Gulf Shores...Day 5

On Day 5 I somehow convinced Chad to take the boys down to the beach with me to attempt some "candid" beach shots.  I promised him it would only be "15 minutes", a promise I'm sure he knew I would not keep.  Once again I jumped the gun and went a little too early for the right light, but we worked with what we had.  Turns out my kids still hate getting their picture taken, no matter what kind of lighting so that's always nice.  They do however like playing in the sand, so at least they weren't being tortured.  Right? Right.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Gulf Shores...Day 4

Day 4 was a very exciting day!  The boys and some of the kids went Deep Sea Fishing so Stephanie and I decided to take the remaining children for some go ole fashion fun.  Go Karts, Putt-Putt, rides and perhaps we ended the excursion with a little Ice Cream.  Yep, we're awesome like that.  Bennett really liked the rides and he tolerated the Putt-Putt for about 9 holes and then he was done-ski.  Reid and Nolan were apparently competing in Speed Golf though so it didn't take long for them to finish (and probably piss off the people in front of them) and catch back up with us for some more rides.  Good times, good times.

Now I'm going to tell you about one of my favorite parts of the trip...crab hunting/catching!  We all know about my love of Easter, right?  It is the thrill of the hunt that always excited me.  Well crab hunting is like even better because the "eggs" MOVE!  Gwen brought flashlights and nets for all of the kids and when it got dark we headed down to the beach to see just how many crabs we could find...and catch.  It was SO MUCH FUN.  This is a must for anyone going to the beach.  I called my Mom later that week and asked if we ever did this as a kid, because I surely did not remember doing it.  She confirmed...we did not.  I was so deprived, thank goodness my kids aren't!  This was definitely one of the highlights of the trip for the kids (and adults)!


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Gulf Shores...Day 3

Apparently on this particular day I was a little camera happy.  All of the kids made their way down to the beach around the same time so I had to be right?  

Day 3 brought more bean bag tossing, sand castles, a little volleyball, a cute little model baby and family game night.    We won't talk about who one Pictionary, I guess even this crew of guys can get lucky once every 10 years or so.  It was one fun filled day, ending with some sleepy boys and girls (I think the kids were tired too).  


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